Sunday, September 9, 2007

Great Wednesdays in History, Volume 1: November 8, 2006

On Wednesday, November 8, 2006, it became clear that the Democrats had trounced the Republicans in the midterm elections and were poised -- pending a couple still-contested races -- to take over both houses. Also on that day, Donald Rumsfeld finally resigned, after the imprisonment, torture, and/or deaths of untold thousands shocked and awed but failed to secure his legacy as the author of a new, easier form of war. Finally, on Wednesday, November 8, 2006, the Times published Mark Bittman's article on no-knead bread.

There's really nothing I can add to the discussion of the midterm elections, the Rumsfeld follies, or no-knead bread. Still, in the ten months since the recipe was published we've made at the very least 50 loaves of it (a loaf a week, often two, and missed only a couple weeks). Each time we take a new loaf out of the oven we say "A.L.L." -- another lovely loaf. That's A.L.L.:

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