Sunday, November 4, 2007

Chartrooze charmooze

A couple years ago I bought a toggle coat ("please look after this bear") on supersale at Barneys. I thought I would eventually get over the fact that its hood was lined with rabbit fur, but I ended up wearing it only twice, both times cringing the whole time and imagining that PETA activists lurked around every corner and that I would have to quickly explain to them that I was a vegetarian who bought the coat in spite of the fur not because of it before they dumped a bucket of pigs' blood on me. (Yes, yes, imaginary PETA activists, I know, the coat itself is wool, but that only tortures and maims the animal rather than killing it -- that's better, right?. And yes, I do realize my shoes are leather. But christ, whatev!)

Despite the hood of bunny death and the constant threat of pigs' blood, I did love the coat, so I decided to swap out the hood lining. Fur removal in action:

I then used the fur as a pattern to make a new lining out of chartreuse charmeuse that I got at Fishman's Fabrics (yes, I do realize that silk is bad too):

I've worn the coat more in the past month of warm weather than I did in the past two or three winters. Sorry, bunnies!

1 comment:

Heather said...

What an electric color--bright is so good on grey fall days. When Ingrid Newkirk came to speak, she singled out Australian wool, merino, as a problem, but didn't talk about other problems with sheep. I spent time on a ranch in New Zealand and the sheep didn't seem that they were mistreated or docked or anything like that. I watched the owners shear the sheep and they bounded off. They do "dip" the sheep in the summer (to discourage pests) and they say that they have to watch out for sunburn after shearing.... And what will you do with that soft scrap of bunny pelt? And what's the word with silkworms? Oi. Are you possibly Buddhist? Or Jain? Hmmm. XOoxox, HKJ